Review Megelli 250 RE and RV in Sentul

Jakarta, June 4, 2010. Luckily for bloggers get a chance to try out a new variant of Minerva Megelli motorcycles RE 250 full-fairing much as two times at the Sentul Circuit yesterday (3/6/10). The first to try out as many as five laps, and the second is two laps with the intent would break a record above 157 km / hour. Motor Megelli 250RE that have tested this selling price of Rp. 31.9 million.

Apart from the type mentioned above, PT Minerva Motor Indonesia as Minerva at the Indonesian car manufacturers have the best product line-up, with the selling price of Rp.34, 900,000 .- namely Megelli 250 RV. It's just too bad, not have a chance to try out this line-up motor. What distinguishes between types of RE and RV, ie the type of RV has the upside down front suspension, which could give more kestablian, as well as the digital speedometer type RX2N Koso.

For the other part or parts which are the same, the point here sportrace motor Megelli 250 NewVersion type RE and RV have the same spec machine (see table below detail spec machines), and of course both have the body type and design of the motor which is also the same. Furthermore, what's the difference with Megelli 250R Old Version which has been issued in April 2009?

Does the Old Version Megelli 250R can upgrade the engine? Can Megelli 250 Old Version New Version is made equivalent to this?

New Version vs. Old Version

But one thing is important to note, especially for the owner of Minerva Megelli 250R Old Version, that machine Megelli 250 New Version can not be attached to the frame body Megelli 250 Old Version. Please understand, because the position of the stand and bolt the engine is very different, although physically outside visits there are similarities between Megelli 250 Old New version with Old Version (red = long products).

It is also described by Jasin Jazid, Plant Division PT MMI that changes Megelli engine 250 of New Version to the frame body Megelli 250R Old Version can not be done.

Well, if you want to compare the detail spec Megelli 250 between New Version with the Old Version, the most important visits are part of the engine. To be sure Megelli 250 New Version is equipped with a radiator that serves as a cooling machine, while the Old Version is not available radiator.
Megelli 250 New Version 2010 I Old Version 2009

Engine: 4 strokes, Liquid Cooled 4 Strokes
Cylinder: Single, 4 Valve,
Single 2 Valve
Displacement (cc): 249.6 247
Compression Ratio: 11.5: 1 11.2: 1
Max Power (hp / rpm): 26/8500
Max Torque (N.m. / rpm): 22.8/7000 18/8000

Maximum Speed 157 km / h?

The first part of Megelli motorcycles 250RE using yellow color. Previously unaware if Megelli 250RE motorcycle tires wear yellow this famous type Battlax tires. Later became known only when the motor is wearing the tires provided by Bridgestone Battlax there are two motors, in addition there are also yellow-white color that's just the type of RV is used for shooting on the spot. tested the motor Megelli 250RE in the third group, together with three other bloggers, among others, Bro Adhi Nugroho, and Edo Rusyanto Bro, Bro Taufik Hidayat. Unfortunately, Bro Triatmono not present, even though his name had been put up in this third group. Finally, the committee substitute Bro Triatmono with one journalist (unknown name) of a print media. Wow .. if not exciting race among bloggers cowboy. :-)

We all are equipped with motor racing equipment, more love for can not wear wear-pack racing Minerva already provided by the committee because of the size XL is still felt cramped, and can not enter the body. Finally Minerva jacket and wearing only a surge protector on the knees. In this first part, also try racing shoes provided by pantitia red.

After five rounds of the Sentul circuit, have his own view that the motor is feasible to meet the wishes of consumers who play dikecepatan 100 km / h to 148 km / hour. In fact, penetrating at a speed of 148 kilometers / hour, while Bro Taufik max. 146 km / hour. Automotive journalists who wonder Mr Antony Bro. Testo can pass 157 km / hour. He was crowned the first champion.

Problem record this speed, can be seen through the instrument speedometer mounted on a motor Koso Megelli 250R New Version in which this instrument has a maximum memory speed. That is, this tool can record the maximum speed. Furthermore, who can pass that number it will automatically delete old numbers, and record the latest figures (even higher).

To Megelli 250RE white color, previously used Bro Antonio Automotive recorded 157 km / h, and the committee provides the opportunity for participants to shoot four balls the second stage, with the intention exceeded 157 km / hr. included in the list of participants to try out again this bike, but unfortunately only two rounds at the Sentul circuit turns can only max. 135 km / hour. Motor needs to be re-setting.

Maximum Speed Still Question Mark

Whatever the outcome, especially about the speed of the above, there are actually quite profound curiosity for and full of questions marks. Why?

For more objective the committee should provide additional tools for measuring the speed, so it can be proved that the speed that has been taken is correct, or the same plus-minus approach. However, in principle menggeber already exhausted this 250RE Megelli motor racing arena Sentul who have a track straight in front of the podium.

Both motors yellow and white color Megelli 250 RE, both already gassed-out but could not penetrate above the figure of 150 km / hour. What is certain is its own pleasure sensation in every corner Sentul, this bike is very stable.

It is hardly an exaggeration to PT MMI eligible to join the race, has Megelli racing team and mechanics who can lift the image of this motor as a motor racing. Just for your info, in the trial yesterday, the motor that is used by each participant is still in standard conditions, not to be set as motor racing.

So, in terms of valuation as motor sport, Megelli 250R New Version taste is worthy rival motor racing than other similar brands. Have a look manly, cool, eye-catching colors, racing look, sporty, increased engine performance even than the previous series. So there's nothing wrong we look back on attendance Megelli 250R New Version.



dsc_7988 dsc_7989 dsc_7992
dsc_7991 dsc_7990 dsc_8003
dsc_7993 dsc_7994 dsc_8020
dsc_8007 dsc_8016 dsc_8032
dsc_8021 dsc_8025 dsc_8055
dsc_8043 dsc_8054 dsc_8058
dsc_8056 dsc_8057 dsc_8061
dsc_8059 dsc_8060 dsc_8064
dsc_8062 dsc_8063


Oleh: stephenlangitan

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